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Syntax highlighter component using prism for the actual source display.
Name | Description | Default |
children | source code to be displayed. string | (string & {}) | (string & ReactElement<any, string | ((props: any) => ReactElement<any, string | ... | (new (props: any) => Component<any, any, any>)>) | (new (props: any) => Component<...>)>) | (string & ReactNodeArray) | (string & ReactPortal) | |
theme | optional PrismTheme theme provided to the component. Themes can be imported from prism-react-renderer/themes .PrismTheme | - |
title | optional title to display for the code block. Usually used from MDX string | - |
language | source lnguage used, by default "jsx". markupbashclikeccppcssjavascriptjsxcoffeescriptactionscriptcss-extrdiffgitgographqlhandlebarsjsonlessmakefilemarkdownobjectivecocamlpythonreasonsassscsssqlstylustsxtypescriptwasmyaml | jsx |
renderFn | custom function to render the source code. (props: RenderProps, other: { theme: PrismTheme; }) => ReactNode | - |
dark | used to specify a "dark" color theme - applcable only if no custom theme prop is provided. if dark: true, duotoneDark theme is used. if dark: false, duotoneLight theme is used. boolean | false |
style | css styles for the container. CSSProperties | - |
as | syntax container as element. Can be used as div or span .ElementType<any> | span |
metastring | code configuration string passed from MDX string | `` |
package | imports | peer |
prism-react-renderer ^1.0.2 | HighlightdefaultPropsPrismThemeLanguage | |
duotoneDark | ||
duotoneLight | ||
react ^17.0.1 | FragmentFCElementTypeCSSProperties | * |
theme-ui ^0.6.0-alpha.7 | useColorModejsxThemedHeadingBox |